Make a donation.

Nightingale Arts Collective’s mission is to create opportunities for Calgary’s amazing artists to practice their craft and delight our audiences. We are committed to paying artists fairly, and creating performance experiences that are fulfilling and uplifting for artists and audience alike. Your donation helps us achieve our goal! Thank You!


Nightingale Arts Collective 2024/25 Season is generously supported by Jamie Fortin in memory of Jeffrey A. Fortin

Steinway Piano Gallery

2024/25 Donors:

Jerry & Teresa Wang

Aidan Jackson

Ainsley Soutiere

Bob and Mary Brownless

Tyler Engel

Manfred Grote

Christopher Chapman

Special Thank You to:

Chinook School of Music

Morpheus Theatre Society

Michelle Schurman - Publicist

Barb Sheldon - Linear-Thinking Technician, Graphics, and Everything Else

Yael Guterman